Telecommunications meeting includes Fiber Optic workshop

One of the most anticipated activities of the event, will take place on June 25 and 26,under the title:  Connectorization and Measurements of F.O., lasting 8 hours, in charge of the specialists in the subject, Pablo Vicino and Eng. Damián Brazionis.

The telecomunication technology FTTH (Fiber To The Home), framed within the technologies FTTx, is based on the use of fiber optic cables and optical distribution adapted to this technology to provide advanced services such as the Triple Play (telephony, broad band Internet and television) to household and businesses of subscribers. The implantation of this technology is taking hold in our region, where many cable operators  reduce ADSL service promotion in the benefit of fiber optic. With specific targeted contents as a more attractive alternative to propose  broadband for the user (music, videos, photos, etc.), this kind of training practices are very expected within our country.


The first part, in-charge Pablo A. Vicino, will begin on Tuesday June 25 at 15:00 hours, and will consist of FTTx training with connectorized in field and optic junction. The activity will include the connector assembly approach in field optical, optical junction alternatives and practices.

The next day, at the same time, and with Eng. Damian Brazionis as speaker, the topic addressed: “Using the OTDR in expert mode”. During these final 4 hours will work on the basic introduction of fiber optics, determination and measurement of optical budget, OTDR mediations and verification and cleaning of connections: patchcord and ODF.

According to the specialists, for this year is expected to grow exponentially in the development of these networks, as cable operators are seeing that they need this technology to provide higher bandwidth, both for the customer demand as by the pressure of competition, for which is forecast that the workshop will be really busy.


The Meeting organizers invited all those who are interested in attending this workshop, to reserve your place as soon as possible accrediting through the official  web site: Space where you’ll find also more information on this workshop as well as additional activities that will be developed during the 3 days of the Telecommunications Regional Encounter – Paraná 2013.

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