Az Mundo premieres the comedies “3 Familias” and “El Albergue”


AZ Mundo, the pay channel of TV Azteca Internacional, premiered the comedies “3 Familias” and “El Albergue”.

3 Familias is a sitcom comedy telenovela which follows the day-to-day life of the marriages of Del Pedregal Barroso, the Mejorada Lezama and the Barro Bravo. The production is in charge of TV Azteca and recounts the family problems of social groups in Mexico.

On the other hand, AZ Mundo also released El Albergue. A comedy series starring Héctor Suárez and María Rojo that presents the life of an 85-year-old woman who prides herself on belonging to the last class families in the country, amid funny situations.

Jorge Gutiérrez Razo, director of TV Azteca Internacional commented: ‘We continue betting on a section of our AZ Mundo programming bar for comedy, a genre that has been very well received by fans of the channel and that perfectly complements and balances the prime time of the signal.’

Jorge Gutiérrez Razo, director of TV Azteca Internacional

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