The Dinamita film by Peruvian producer Cesar Torero, directed by Roberto Fodde and Julie Chuan, has in its stellar participation Cuban singer and actress Ady León. A story based on real events lived by the actress, premieres in Miami.
The presentation is in charge of María Marín and Roberto Escobar, today February 8, 2018 with a red carpet gala at 6PM at UNITY ON THE BAY in Miami.
The story of a teenager, orphaned by a mother, who is forced to survive on the streets, going through all kinds of dangers, suffering hardships, drugs, hunger, cold, including sexual abuse, but seeks refuge in boxing as a weapon of defense to each emotional and physical blow she receives in the streets.s.
Dinamita sends a message to teen-agers that no matter how dark you see your life there is always a tomorrow that brings light, with strength and heart they will achieve their dreams.
César Torero, is a famous cameraman of Peruvian origin established in the United States and has moved his brilliant career to become producer and director. Accompanied by great figures of cinema and TV, enjoy this wonderful story that hopes to conquer festivals and audiences.