This compelling story is produced by Ay Yapım and distributed by Inter Medya, was broadcast through ATV in 2014. The series was sold to more than 107 global territories, 20 of them in Latin America.
Now the turn is for Telefe of Argentina that with its premiere hopes to engage the audiences of this country.
Kara para Ask is the story Omar Demir a handsome, honest and full of ambitions commissioner. He is engaged to Sibel, a young teacher with whom he decides to travel to Istanbul to organize the final details of his wedding. However, Omar’s life will change radically when an unexpected tragedy happens.
Starring Engin Akyurek (What’s wrong with Fatmagul?), whose performance earned him several awards in Turkey and a nomination as best Actor in the International Emmy Awards. Tuba Büyüküstün, Nebahat Çehre, Aytaç Arman, Erkan Can, Emre Kizilirmak, Saygin Soysal, Burak Tamdogan, Tuvana Türkay, complete the cast.