MIPTV 2018 reinvents itself and adds value for exhibitors and buyers

Izzet Pinto, Founder and CEO of Global Agency

From April 9 to 12 in Cannes, France, the global content market MIPTV will inaugurate the Canneseries festival (April 4-11) and the creative drama forum In Development (April 10 and 11).

This year, the organization expects around 11,000 participants from 100 countries, including almost 4,000 buyers. MIPTV promises to offer “the 7 stages of the creation of a series in just one event”, in what the organizers define as “the biggest week of television”. This year’s theme will be “creators in demand”.

The dramatic genre will have its space with the MIPDrama Buyers Summit, a section designed to meet the growing international demand for such series, and paying special attention to new trends.

This time the “Médailles d’Honneur” will distinguish executives who, through their talent, leadership and passion, made a significant contribution to the world of television and the development of the international television community. This year, the awards are Pascal Breton, CEO of Federation Entertainment; Teresa Fernández-Valdés, Executive Producer of Bambú Producciones; Izzet Pinto, Founder and CEO of Global Agency; and Weidong Yang, President of Youku, Alibaba Digital Media and Entertainment Group.


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