HBO Latin America begins the production of its fiction series, MIL COLMILLOS, together with great Colombian talents – the producer Rhayuela Films and the director Jaime Osorio. After the great success obtained by the documentary GUERRAS AJENAS, produced in Colombia by HBO Latin America, the company has decided to continue strengthening its presence in the country with more original local productions.
The series will be filmed in the Amazon rainforest, as well as in other locations in Colombia, and tells a mysterious story of the elite commando of the Colombian army that is tasked with ending an unknown but powerful leader of a militia of uncertain origin.
The series is written by Jaime Osorio, known for films like ‘El Páramo’, ‘Siete Cabezas‘, among other productions. The executive producers are Luis F. Peraza, Roberto Rios and Paul Drago on behalf of HBO Latin America, together with Federico Durán, producer of films like ‘La Virgen de los Sicarios’ and ‘El Páramo‘.