Shoned in one of the first American telenovelas “El Magnate” (“The Tycoon”) produced by José Enrique “Pepe” Crousillat in 1990, for Telemundo. Written by Brazilian Manoel Carlos, directed by the consecrated Argentine Rodolfo Hoppe.
With this telenovela starring Ruddy Rodriguez and Andrés García and the antagonistic participation of Salvador Pineda, Alexa proved to be a versatile actress with more than 15 plays among them: “Filomena Marturano”,“La Casa de Bernarda Alba”,
“El Día que me Quieras” and told TVMAS that the telenovelas and series in which she participated as “CorteTropical”,
“Marielena”, “Guadalupe”, “Cartas de Amor”, “Al Filo de la Ley”, “Amor Descarado”, “Anita No te Rajes” and the series “The Disciples” and “Burn Notice” for the North American market, have given great satisfaction.
“Especially, with the kind of works we present in ARCA, with risky themes and proposals, is a challenge. However, we thank the two UNIVISION and TELEMUNDO netwoks because we have received calls for characters in which some fit and others do not. That’s how this performance business is, but I am very grateful for these two networks that are highlighting the Latino talent established in Miami.”
Alexa under its ARCA brand brought to Miami “Histoire D’amour” the work written by Jean-Luc Lagarce, one of the most representative playwrights in Europe and unknown in the United States.
“It poses a kind of daring theater with only three actors. The characters enter and leave the situation and relive the past based on memory; and of course, everyone remembers things differently. A great puzzle where we are constantly narrating, constructing and deconstructing.”
Under the direction of Nilo Cruz (Pulitzer Prize 2003) and the performance of Adrián Mas and Héctor Medina, a true team effort that managed to capture the multicultural audience of South Florida and the media.