De Corazón “Así Somos” the reality show that premieres today Unicable


Unicable joins the LGTB pride celebration by presenting this reality show, which will show little-known aspects of the lives of three young social media personalities.

A topic about The Jonas Vloggers (Mickey, Luis and David) De Corazón. Three young people with a different lifestyle, who face the same needs as anyone else: lack of money, pursuit of love, acceptance, job instability and fear of what they will say.

It is the first reality show that addresses gender diversity and is part of Unicable’s programming changes, which will be recorded today, Monday, June 17.

12 thirty-minute chapters and will be broadcast on Mondays at 10 pm, with repetition on Sundays, at 2:30 pm.

Unicable is an innovative, daring, dynamic and uncensored entertainment channel. Its audience levels position it as the favorite pay-TV channel, due to the diversity and quality of its content, made up of three entertainment bars, with its own productions, lifestyle, news, shows, telenovelas, series and realities. Unicable has coverage in Mexico and Latin America.

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