bitMe, the first pay-TV channel in Spanish in Latin America, specializing in video games, technology, Esports and geek culture, will cover Europe’s most important video game expo and the second, worldwide.

Luis Lusillo Miguel. BitMe Director
Under the motto “The Heart of Gaming”, at Gamescom 2019 will meet from August 20 to 24, in the city of Cologne, Germany, more than 350 thousand video game fans, to learn about the news of the leading companies of the industry.
All within the framework of a festive atmosphere, where the most important firsts of the geek universe will be unveiled.
The channel will be present at the most relevant moments of this exhibition, with the live participation of its experienced content team, headed by Javier Rodríguez, who, accompanied by Dany Kino, Daniel Avilés “Densho” and Vladimir Arteaga, will give, day by day, the details of Gamescom 2019.
Luis Luisillo Miguel, director of bitMe, explained that with “this special coverage, bitMe will be the only specialized television medium of Latin America, which broadcasts directly from Gamescom on August 21 and 22, four programs totally live. Newscasts specialized in video games (Zero Control) and technology (W.T.F.). With this effort, bitMe shows its commitment to offer its audience the most relevant topics of the geek universe.”