Film Industry in Mexico loses 96 percent due to pandemic


By Verónica Pérez Raigosa

Tábata Vilar Villa, General Director of the National Chamber of the Cinematographic Industry (Canacine) spoke with TVMAS about the difficult situation it faces when reporting these losses in the period from March 25, 2020 to January 24, 2021

Mexico has about 7,500 theaters, is the fourth country with the most movie theaters and currently keeps 60 percent closed

They have launched the campaign, for a few months, “See you at the movies” in which actors like Leonardo DiCaprio participate.

Tábata Vilar Villa

Tábata Vilar Villa

Tábata Vilar Villa, General Director of the National Chamber of the Cinematographic Industry (Canacine) in an interview for TVMAS says that “From March 25, 2020 to January 24 of this year, 15 million tickets were sold in the country, if compared to 2019 where 298 million tickets were sold, we can realize the situation” said Tábata Vilar, stressing that the industry has been one of the most impacted by the pandemic.

She said that this problem is also due to the misinformation that exists, since it is thought to be a place of contagion, when there are studies that show that cinemas are not, because the air and dynamics are constantly changing in their facilities is different.

“The authorities should reflect on the case of cinemas or theaters; We are the fourth industry that sold the most tickets, that has the most rooms, and that employs more than 50 thousand people” said the headline, adding that before the pandemic in a weekend 4.5 million tickets were sold and today nowadays you don’t even get to 200.

“The cinema is a safe place,” said Vilar, explaining that according to studies carried out at universities in the United States and Europe there is sufficient evidence that cinemas are not places of contagion, “this was stated based on scientific evidence, since in countries like Japan and Korea there were no cases, even though the complexes were open”.

In Mexico, the figures are low, so they have sought to renegotiate their debts to continue facing the pandemic without having to fire workers, hence they make a call to the corresponding authorities through a letter that has already been delivered.

Mexico has about 7,500 theaters, it is the fourth country with the most cinemas and currently keeps 60 percent of these closed.

“This also leads to content generators not releasing their materials, in addition to keeping the rooms closed can be counterproductive in the long term, since it creates the feeling that those places are unsafe and source of contagion,” explained the Director, added that for this reason they have launched the campaign, for a few months, “See you at the movies” in which actors like Leonardo DiCaprio participate.

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