RFI announces the 7th edition of the RFI REPORTING PRIZE IN SPANISH


From March 11 to May 23, RFI launched the seventh edition of the “RFI Report in Spanish” award, aimed at journalism students under 30 years of age, residing in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The winner will be announced on June 10 at the context of the “Latin America and the Caribbean Week in France”

It is an invitation to the faculties of journalism to present a candidate that must be sent by e-mail to RFI (Premio.reportaje@rfi.fr), between March 11 and May 23, 2021, a radio report with a maximum duration of 13 minutes, as well as a proposal for a report to be carried out in Paris.

The jury made up of RFI journalists will meet to designate the best work. The winner will be announced on the “Paris America” program on June 10, 2021, in the context of the Latin America and the Caribbean Week in France.

The award consists of a four-week internship in the Spanish writing of RFI in Paris. During that period, the winner will be able to carry out the proposed report.

Last year the winner was Laura Alejandra López Pineda, a student at the Universidad del Rosario in Bogotá, Colombia, for her report “United in adversity: Latinos in New Jersey during the pandemic”, on how Covid-19 has disrupted the life of the Latino community in this northeastern US state. The members of the jury chose the report for the adequacy of the issue with the current situation of the year, marked by the US electoral campaign and the fight for the rights of minorities in that country.

For the first time, the RFI Reportage Award is organized with the support of the International University Radio Network (RIU), the continuity of the work started in 2009 by the Network of University Radios of Latin America and the Caribbean (RRULAC). It brings together the university radio networks ARUNA (Argentina), RRUC (Colombia), RRUE (Ecuador), RRUM (Mexico), REUCH (Chile),

RUBRA (Brazil), ARU (Spain), RadUni (Italy) and the Network of Radios and University Tv of Peru. It also integrates radios from Bolivia, Peru, Uruguay, Paraguay, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras and Portugal, as well as entities from the United States, Mexico and Cuba. It is also part of the Organizing Committee for UNESCO’s World Radio Day. The RIU brings together more than 450 communication media and university platforms, which advocate for a participatory communication of the university community and society.

RFI in Spanish: More than 490 associates in Latin America, but also in the United States and Canada, broadcast the newsroom’s programs, which are also broadcast by its FM affiliates in Bolivia, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador and Equatorial Guinea. RFI programs in Spanish are transmitted by DIRECTV Latin America in South America and the Caribbean, and through cell phones in Mexico and the United States.

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