Created and directed by Guillermo Helo Juan-Oliver, under the production of Susana Espinoza, it has the leading role of Tamara Acosta, Paulina Urrutia, Francisca Lewin and the special participation of Amparo Noguera and Paulina García
The new upcoming series to premiere in Chile by Megamedia, created and produced by Altirosapiens and distributed by MGE, has been one of the productions selected by Iberseries Platino Industria for the Chapter ONE exhibition section, an event that will take place from September 27 thru October 1 of this year, and which brings together the highest quality productions and narrative excellence of the audiovisual industry in Spanish and Portuguese. The exclusive face-to-face screening of the first episode will take place on September 28 at 7:00 p.m. in room 1 of the Cine Capitol in Madrid, Spain.
¨We are proud that ‘No nos quieren ver’ has been one of the series selected, since it is undoubtedly a recognition of the high production standards that we handle, and a sign of the importance of developing stories that generate a social impact and a cultural contribution, through themes that are universal and relevant for all audiences”, commented director Guillermo Helo, from the Altirosapiens production house.
The series is inspired by real events, in the thousands of cases of abuse and deaths that came to public light as of 2016 in Chile, in different residences of the National Service for Minors. Made by Altirosapiens, in co-production with Megamedia Chile and with the support of public funds from CNTV, this series, created and directed by Guillermo Helo, produced by Susana Espinoza, has the leading role of Tamara Acosta, Paulina Urrutia, Francisca Lewin and the special participation of Amparo Noguera and Paulina García, among other great talents.
The series plunges into the world of child protection to address a contingent issue that is related to the violation of the rights of children at social risk, highlighting the errors of a system in collapse.
¨Since our beginnings, at MGE we have assumed the mission of offering entertainment content of the highest quality, but we have also committed to providing stories with powerful narratives that connect emotionally with the international audience, through relevant topics and without borders. which need to be counted and seen, added Esperanza Garay, CEO of distributor MGE.