Diana Varón Sales Manager, Jeferson Cortes y Gina Rodríguez de LEG
“Our history and presence at this event in Cartagena has allowed us to generate alliances and strengthen our visibility in the telecommunications market and reach several pay TV clients who are looking for an innovative, personalized and comprehensive solution to satisfy their content needs. ”said Diana Varon, Sales Director.
The innovative stand at the fair was LEG’s. Why did you decide to offer such an outstanding space?
“LEG stood out during the two days of exhibition with a different stand. We wanted to offer a familiar experience for our allies and visitors interested in our programming,” Diana Varon said in conversation with TVMAS at the stand. “We wanted them to feel at home and I think we managed to spread the warmth and welcome that we look for at home when it comes to entertaining ourselves.”
More presence of collaborators and company representatives
“This year, we received a visit from partners and allies that represent and distribute our brand throughout Latin America, companies such as: NEVA, TIM NETWORK, MEDIA PLAN, SIGNAL TV, BITT CHANNEL among others. We had the opportunity to share and amplify an experience that allows us to learn about their local markets and plan joint strategies for the future growth of pay TV systems,” noted the Sales Director and highlighted the work of Sara Rojas, Director of Business Development and who leads the LEG group in Latin America.
What are the statistics of LEG in Andina Link?
“In the last 3 years after the pandemic we have had a considerable increase in visits to our stand. This reveals that PAY TV continues to grow and ANDINA LINK is one of the commercial and business platforms to connect with potential clients.”
Who visited them? Could you mention some of the allies and representatives who visited the stand?
“Representatives from the companies EMCALI (Colombia), CABLEVISION DE OCCIDENTE (Costa Rica) ASTER (Dominican Republic) among others visited us with whom we hope to continue the conversation and close agreements thanks to our programming offer.”
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