Also the signals Quiero Música en mi Idioma y Volver, disclosed their latest

Coco Fernández, Production Manager of El Trece, together with the talent of the signals Magazine,
Quiero Música en mi Idioma and Volver
In an event led by Gabriela Sobrado and Horacio Cabak, in Puerto Salguero in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Artear presented the programming development for their signals; Magazine, Quiero Música en mi Idioma and Volver.
The Magazine channel is one of the most viewed channels of the 80 that make up the grid of Pay TV. Coco Fernández, Production Manager of El Trece signal artistic director, remarked that “during year round, the signal generates live programming with their own production and co-productions. Moreover, acquired successful film titles and outstanding national and international telenovelas”.
For its part, the Volver signal, having 19 years on the screen has increased its audience in the last 3 years, it has as a mission to recover the memory of the Argentine television and “and for that we are constantly working in the recovery of historical material such as movies and telenovelas, with the intention that children and adults together can enjoy the best of the national production”, spotlighted Fernández.
Meanwhile, Quiero Música en mi Idioma is Artear’s youngest signal. “We started 5 years ago competing with major regional signals, the channel shows considerable growth, placing it as the absolute leader in the genre”, finalized the executive.