In this new season, the decoding is formed by research teams from prestigious universities in Latin America, made up of specialists in biology, neuroscience, psychology, forensics, cellular and molecular physiology, medicine and psychiatry, with experts in theology, para-sciences and scholars of Catholic, Jewish and Afro-Cuban religions, among others, with an ecumenical analysis of these phenomena.
“The progress of science is very important to decipher these cases, in this new release, we present 30 cases in ten episodes spanning different religions around several Latin American countries. During three months of production, we collected opinions of renowned specialists to deliver a program with real content that is interesting to our audience,” said Ignacio Oruezabala, executive producer of the series.
With the pursuit of truth as objective, the program collects testimonies, recreates traditions, rites and ancestral worship that are present throughout Latin America, giving a historical overview of the lore of the peoples of the continent. A production that shows with drama of how the facts occurred of miraculous healings or other unexplained events, according to eyewitnesses. This is compounded by the historical view that contextualizes the events, placing them in time and space, and scientific or medical infographics.