Since its inception, the series has become a sensation worldwide, captivating millions of viewers and with a fan base like no other series. Based on the triumphant novel by George R.R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire (Una canción de hielo y fuego), the fantasy series follows the battles between couples in the struggle for power for the realm of Westeros.
The new season will premier on Sunday, April 24 in Latin America and the Caribbean, simultaneously with the United States. The executive producer is David Benioff, D.B. Weiss, Carolyn Strauss, Frank Doelger and Bernadette Caulfield; co-executive producers Guymon Casady, Vince Gerardis and George R.R. Martin.
Awarded with multiple Emmy® awards, and Golden Globes, recently swept Primetime Emmys® in 2015, taking 12 awards, a record for a series in a year since 2000.