Produced by Juan Osorio, starring Cristian de la Fuente, Betty Monroe, Julian Gil and Renata Notni, premiered this week, on Monday at 20:30 hours, by El Canal de las Estrellas, Mexico.
It is an original story written by the authorship of Alejandro Pohlenz and Pablo Ferrer, which narrates the life of Esperanza Guerrero (Betty Monroe) and Ricardo Alegria (Cristián de la Fuente) and its desire to meet again, after being separated for more than 20 years by an intrigue.
Esperanza is a teacher by profession and mother-father of Patricia (Renata Notni) and Pedro (Polo Morin), and works in the exclusive Palacios Institute and the simple Vasconcelos school. Daily struggles for her children, students and the dream of building her own school.
It is a novel proposal with innovative elements, such as the incorporation of the thriller genre in this story.
The theme song is Mi Verdad, interpreted by Shakira and Maná. This melodrama also includes the tracks Sueño de Amor of singer-author El Chapo de Sinaloa, and Por Estar Contigo, of composers Murguía Lalo and Mauricio Arriaga, interpreted by Paulina and David Holguin.
It includes performances by Julián Gil, Lola Merino, Osvaldo de León, Lola Merino, Santiago Ramundo, Emilio Osorio, Julio Mannino, Carmen Salinas, Ginny Hoffman, Paul Stanley, Gustavo Munguía, Beatriz Morayra, Fernanda Urdapilleta, Rodrigo Vidal, El Chapo de Sinaloa, among others.
Stage direction is by Juan Carlos Muñoz and Aurelio Ávila with Maestro Jorge Fons as consultant.