It is the first production of the Super Drama genre made by Televisa, to be premiered by the Estrellas channel next Monday, February 12. Starring are Ana Brenda, David Zepeda and Julián Gil.
The plot and production of José Alberto Castro, tells the story of a group of lawyers who work at the prestigious law firm Vega y Asociados.
Por amar in ley is developed around the personal and professional lives of a group of litigants, whose stories will be intertwined with the various cases that will be carried in the office Vega y Asociados, several of which, will be based on real events.
In Por amar sin ley also participate José María Torre, Sergio Basáñez, Altair Jarabo, Guillermo García Cantú, Pablo Valentín, Geraldine Bazán, Moisés Arizmendi and Víctor García, as well as the first actors Azela Robinson, Roberto Ballesteros and Leticia Perdigón.