The telenovela premiered on September 3 on the 118 islands that make up French Polynesia, through the TNTV channel. It has been sold in more than 100 countries.
It portrays the story of two sisters who, unwittingly, fall in love with the same man. They are two middle-class women, beautiful, feisty fighters and with a great desire to excel, who in their way will cross paths with Roberto White, a millionaire textile owner whose marriage is broken.
While Roberto obtains the divorce, he will go out with the two sisters, using different identities. With Scarlett, will be Roberto, a millionaire and entrepreneur; with Mariana, will be Boby, employed in a security agency.
Starring Carolina Acevedo (“La Nocturna”), Carolina Guerra (“El Cartel 2”) and Patrick Delmas (“La Ley Secreta”) has been sold in more than 100 countries.