Regional Encounter of Telecommunications 2019 will hold a Forum that will delve into how to guarantee the quality of customer service.
When the client remains captive by a single provider and how to ensure healthy competition with equitable conditions for all, this is a hot topic that the event already has planned as a boost to the industry.
The event will be held at the Maran Suites & Towers Convention Center (located in the city of Paraná, Argentina), on June 26 and 27 of this year. “Need for a Regulatory Framework according to Technological Evolution”, announced for Wednesday 26/06/2019 at 6:30 p.m. in the framework of the meeting. It will be possible to enter with general accreditation, without additional cost.
Among the topics are access to technology, content, use of telecommunications infrastructure (poles, towers, airspace, etc.).
Among the speakers are Agustín Garzón – Director of ENACOM, lawyer. Marcelo Tulissi – President of CACPY (Argentine Camera of Cable operators Pymes since 2013) among others with a very powerful program facing the developments of the industry.
The organizers reminded that online accreditations are now available from the official website of the Encounter: