Marcello Coltro, Senior VP of Content and Creative Services at NBCUniversal Int. Networks Joint Venture for Spanish LatAm, in an exclusive interview with TVMAS spoke about the fourth season of Cámbiame el Look and the strategies of how brands grow in the digital era.

Marcello Coltro VP of Content & Creative Services NBCUniversal International Networks, Latin America.
The executive said that the launch will be in September of this new original production (season 4) that will arrive in Latin America through E!, in a renewed format with a digital seal, in addition to the premiere in linear TV designed for its audiences and for the industry with advertising friendly.
In your career you have created and produced great hits as it was at MGM in “Busca de Una Diva.” What are the substantial changes in this your first production for NBC Universal of this fourth season of Cámbiame el Look?
“It is an original NBCUniversal format that was created in 2009 based on How Do I Look. The world of women is not the same as 10 years ago, so we made a proposal to the NBCUniversal formats area in London to update the product and we are very happy with this new season. The main changes have to do with the fact that today the look of a person is not defined only by what you see on a day-to-day basis, but also by your digital profile. People today promote themselves through social networks and seek to define their digital look. That is something that we incorporate. To continue telling inspiring stories, entertaining, different, but above all real stories we have also worked on the empowerment of women who work in different disciplines, arts and crafts, with which undoubtedly, the public will feel identified. Before the women of this type of program were victims. In this fourth season we will see women empowered in all disciplines, arts and crafts.”
Will the beautiful and talented Angie Taddei be there?
“Yes. She continues as the main host, but we have added two hosts. A digital influencer that will analyze the digital profile of each of the participants in their social networks. And an editor of a very important fashion magazine that we will soon announce and who will provide her knowledge on fashion in general and connect with all of Latin America.” Another key change he mentioned is the way beauty looks. “Taking into account the rise of Me Too movements or that of the plus-size models, we have added what is respect for people. We will put those belongings in a donation box, where the participant will perform a farewell ceremony of the garments. The focus is a greater respect for women.”
What do you consider to be the main pillar of the success of this program?
It is the look of the other. How to have the audacity to listen to how others perceive you. Also the alternatives that the program offers. It is a reality of perception and empowerment. And the identification of the public. They are very key pillars.
Approximately how much is the investment of each chapter?
We do not talk about figures. But I can tell you that we offer more than 48 investment opportunities for brands and products, which includes from the opening of the show that can be sponsored up to 60 to 80 pieces of digital content to accompany each episode in linear TV. We can have brand specialists or integrated brands.
Leaving this topic and going to your career at NBC Universal since your arrival and now with greater responsibilities such as digital marketing and creativity. What are the strategies that have been implemented?...
There are many strategies and all vary according to the public. There are 5 channels and we are increasingly consolidating the digital areas, content, marketing and creativity. Each time the idea is to achieve digital engagement with digital and linear audiences.
You are an expert designing and redesigning brands. What key things do you consider to be urgent so that brands do not get diluted by so much offer?
I think the challenge is how to incorporate digital strategies to increase reach. For example: with E! Entertainment as well as being a linear channel we have about 7 million impressions in LATAM, what it does is add a very large value. It is true that there is a huge offer, but if we work thinking about digital highways and how to interact with the audience, what it does is give brands more power. So the main challenge is in the creative part, in generating engagement. All the properties that we are developing have an important delivery in digital terms.
Is the production company still Endemol Shine of México? Who are the partners for this season?
“No, because we closed an agreement with Fremantle in Mexico and we are looking for participants from several territories such as Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, among others.”
The expert said that the profile of the participants for this edition has the seal of the values of E! and they are “inclusion” and “diversity.”
From 2018 E! it is not just a channel, but a platform ( One of the most important business of the company.
Marcello Coltro has a lifelong career as an actor, creative, digital marketing specialist and above all is a renowned innovator with many productions made in Brazil and now has the challenge of taking to another level Cámbiame el Look, the most successful program of E! behind the Kardashians.This fourth season is associated with creativity, going from the linear to a strong digital development and 360°.
After his successful passage through one of the great MGM studios, he was the creator and producer of the reality show En Busca de una Diva. And we had the opportunity to appreciate his valuable work with a presentation he made as a speaker at the World Summit of Telenovelas and Fiction Series made by TVMAS where he exhibited “La Nueva Diva, Edición Colombia”, presentation that earned him not only applause from the audience, but global recognition of his creativity.