The National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts (INCAA) of Argentina and the Canada Media Fund (CMF) invite the competiton for co-development projects of animation series for television and co-development of short series for multimedia platforms.
The agreement between the two organizations aims to encourage co-productions between both countries. “This is a very important agreement for our audiovisual industry, because the Canada Media Fund is perhaps one of the most virtuous funds in the world: the jobs that have been developed with them have been exported to the main markets. They have as their main focus the productions for digital screens, especially animation, and interactive development that, somehow, today pushes the boundaries of the audiovisual industry,” said Ralph Haiek, President of INCAA.
The President and CEO of the CMF, Valerie Creighton, said that “Argentina is a regional cultural power where the development and production of audiovisual content is a cultural and economic engine. This agreement is aligned with our objective of establishing constructive agreements with financing agencies in key markets. Surely, Canadian creators will benefit from the search for co-development opportunities and I hope to seeing the projects that we will fund through this incentive to reach the production stage.”
They apply for co-development of animated television series, which comply with fiction, documentary or infant-juvenile genres; and projects for co-development of short fiction, documentary or animation series created for digital platforms, including web series, digital narrative content, transmedia projects, virtual reality or extended.
The total budget for the development of the projects is $ 100,000, with a maximum ceiling of $ 25,000 per project.
Terms and conditions can be found at and interested parties may be presented until October 31, inclusive, online through the digital platform for the audiovisual industry, INCAA online.
CMF promotes, develops, finances and promotes the production of content and applications for all audiovisual media platforms. It guides Canadian content towards a competitive global environment fostering industry innovation, rewarding success, allowing a diversity of voice and promoting access to content through public and private sector partnerships.