“How is network neutrality in Colombia”


The Communications Regulatory Commission (CRC) has delivered a study, a review of the national and international context in this matter.

In Colombia, the regulatory provisions regarding net neutrality continue to be valid and applicable, by contemplating principles such as the free choice of users and non-discrimination of content.

In the study “State of net neutrality in Colombia”, carried out by the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC), different regulatory approaches to this subject were identified in the national and international context, considering new trends and market challenges and user needs.

To prepare this document, the Commission held an open consultation in 2021, which allowed the different groups to participate and express their comments on the current regulations on this matter in the country.

One aspect to highlight is that it allows us to compare how Colombia is compared to other countries in terms of network neutrality.

According to the study, in different countries analyzed, especially in Latin America, Zero Rating offers (services in which certain content is delivered without data consumption) have been convenient for users by allowing them greater control. In Mexico, for example, commercial agreements between operators and content and application providers are allowed, if they are transparent and accessible by interested third parties.

In the specific case of Colombia, it was shown that the offers of mobile service plans and packages frequently include access to the most used applications such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok and Waze, without consuming the plan or package data. hired.

Paola Bonilla Castaño

“This study leads us to conclude that there are multiple points of view regarding net neutrality. Therefore, all the agents that are part of the TIC sector must be attentive to new trends, variations, significant changes, to continue promoting access to the network and its contents by Colombians”, said Paola Bonilla Castaño, executive director of the CRC.

It is important to note that network neutrality in Colombia protects the right of any Internet user to access and use any lawful content or application, which they can choose in a free and informed manner. In turn, Internet Service Providers (ISP) must carry Internet traffic without discrimination by origin, destination, application, content or type of data.

Since 2011, net neutrality was established in the country through Law 1450 and in compliance with this, the CRC issued Resolution CRC 3502 of 2011, which incorporated the principles of free choice of users, non-discrimination of content, transparency, and traffic management information.

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