MIGUEL TORRES-BOHL Promoted to Senior Vice President of Distribution and Marketing

Appoinments / Business

Luis Torres Bohl

Castalia Communications announced the appointment of Miguel Torres-Bohl as senior vice president of distribution and marketing, reporting directly to Luis Torres-Bohl, founder and president of the company.

Recently, in addition to his representation and distribution work for clients such as BBC World News, Miguel has led the negotiation of sales agreements for the Europa+ content platform with distributors and operators in Latin America. In his new role, he will oversee business management and marketing for Castalia’s operation in the United States, Canada and Latin America.

“Miguel has proven to be a great leader and strategist, enthusiastic and creative, and has the knowledge, values ​​and experience required for this new responsibility. His career in the industry has guaranteed us a series of successes in favor of our clients. We are sure that he will continue to meet the growth objectives we have for each market”, commented Rubén Mendiola, COO and general director of Europa +, one of Castalia’s affiliated companies.

Since joining Castalia Communications 24 years ago, the manager has contributed his extensive experience in international business to television channels, including BBC World News, TV Globo Internacional and CGTN from China, and has developed strategies for SVOD Europa+ and EDYE. He has academic training in Economic Sciences and Marketing.

Ruben Mendiola


Castalia Communications is an international media development company headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. Since 1991, It has created, and distributed television channels and thousands of hours of programming produced by internationally renowned companies. With excellent prestige and a wide network of contacts in Latin America, the United States and Canada, the company also maintains close collaboration ties with markets in Europe and Asia.

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