The new launches and expansion of streaming platforms launched on the different continents in April reflect the battle for users. But for this month of May, the forecasts are that there will be a drop or exit of global platforms according to BB MEDIA.
TVMAS consulted with the global analyst company BB to delve into this interesting report presented by this consultancy on the latest streaming platforms that have been launched on the market in April and Paula Strubolini, PV Leader of the consultancy, responded that “The region that leads in the launch of streaming platforms is North America, particularly the United States.
What is behind this trend last month? “Many television channels and operators have observed that consumers are abandoning traditional cable service and migrating towards streaming platforms. Therefore, the increase in the launch of numerous platforms with an immense content offer. Users prefer to access channels and content”.
In Latin America, according to what this report reflects, the countries that launched the most are Brazil and Chile?. “Yeah that’s right. Inclusively, Brazil stands out as the country with the greatest dynamism in terms of the launch of streaming platforms in Latin America. In this sense, a greater number of changes and novelties are observed in the Brazilian streaming market compared to other countries in the region”.
What are the forecasts for this month of May? “Large companies are buying and merging with other streaming companies, this is pushing many VOD pages to end their services. For the month of May, we analyze that this will be reflected in the drop in global platforms. By way of example, Cinepolis Klic and Spamflix have announced that they will stop providing their services worldwide. Likewise, VRV will also be retired, but its users will be migrated to Crunchyroll, one of the biggest platforms for anime. In addition, we must highlight the launch of Max in the United States, which occurs after the merger of Warner Bros. with Discovery and the withdrawal of the HBO Max platform.
See the full report :