‘Dramáticas’ is a series (12x 45-minute episodes) with well-known stars from the telenovelas universe.
The Argentine has almost 40 years of experience and responds to TVMAS in this conversation. At the age of 11 he was already an actor and his brilliant career as a director and producer includes productions in the United States, Venezuela, Mexico, Colombia, and the Dominican Republic.
What is “Drámáticas” and how did this idea that comes to encourage a genre of the Latin American popular culture, such as the telenovela, come about?
“The idea is from Daniel Ferrer Cubillán, founder and CEO of HispanoMedio LATAM (HLA) in our Miami offices. We thought of Venezuela because we believed that it was the opportune moment to revive the dramatics and hence the title DRAMATICAS. Daniel was not wrong. I think it will be a success when it is broadcast, because we are telling stories with humor, and we are playing on two planes: the novela and the “metanovela”.
What is this “meta novela”? explain the definition of this new term that surrounds the telenovela genre…
The word means what happens to be able to make a telenovela in a moment of crisis. Something like the ‘behind the scenes’ events and things that happen to the actors and the technical team, and in the same way to the executives and businessmen of the channel. 80% are exterior, taking advantage of the beautiful natural locations, geography, and tourist paradises that Venezuela offers”.
Who are the participating producers and actresses?
Daniel Ferrer is the CEO of HispanoMedio and I can say that he is one of the representatives of the genre right now, with incredible knowledge. Thus, I was able to do a first-rate casting. Lupita Ferrer, (Esmeralda, Cristal, etc.) Scarlet Ortiz, Mimi Lazo, Roxana Díaz, Dora Mazzone, Elba Escobar, Amanda Gutiérrez, Maria Antonieta Duque, Hilda Abrahanz, Rosmeri Marval, Laura Termini, Jorge Palacios, Javier Vidal, Luis Gerónimo Abreu, Tania Sarabia, Carlos Guillermo Haydon, Victor Drija, Aroldo Bentancourt, Aran de las Casas, and Isabella Pérez Duarte.
“In the direction of actors and cameras is César Manzano with an impeccable job seconded by Manuel Díaz Casanovas in the direction of photography. The executive production is shared between Daniel Ferrer and me”.
Hugo Devana’s life has been spent in directing, staging, script and production. “This year was special because I wanted to return to producing fiction and I was able to do it thanks to the alliance we made with Daniel Ferrer Cubillán. Returning to Venezuela where I have produced more than 5,000 hours of entertainment with this series is a happy return. We want to wake up the sleeping giant. Venezuela was, is and will be great, it has everything it takes to make international quality content”.
HispanoMedio LaTam has operations in the United States, Mexico, and Venezuela.
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