David Jenkinson, Editor-in-Chief & Managing Director, C21Media
David Jenkinson, Editor in Chief and General Director of C21Media, passionate about his work and also about the world of Hispanics on a global scale, proposed to bring C21 in a Spanish version called ceveintiuno and also to install a powerful market in Miami CONTENT -AMERICAS and he achieved it. TVMAS interviewed him and here is what he responded, and what he didn’t answer too.
In the official statement when you launched ceveintiuno you say: “We have been interested in covering the Hispanic content business for several years, but we had not found the right partners to lead the business. We are delighted that the journalists Pina Mezzera and Gonzalo Larrea join us” emotional phrases after the beginning of what has turned out to be a successful project, after also adding Fabricio Ferrara and Isabella Márquez to the list of collaborators.
What are the key topics of the CONTENT AMERICAS 2024 agenda? especially, because they will have the competition of NATPE GLOBAL?
“We are excited about the 2024 edition, particularly because it brings the first Rose d’Or Latinos Awards Gala to Miami. We also have a raft of other initiative that converge on the event that will celebrate the best in Lat Am content. Our mission has always been to put this community first, and the team is focused on doing that”.
An innovative program for 2024
“We have fresh initiatives – like an AI Training Bloc, a progressive conference programmed, and a full takeover of the remodelled hotel. Its focus and progressive approach. Content Americas employs the ‘Content’ formular. This is about marrying smart sessions to a vibrant market floor. Wrapping Pitch Competitions with keynotes, FAST sessions with Content Strategy analysis, and ensuring it is cast properly, like any good show. All I can suggest is that anyone who is considering their options – and we know people has a choice – compares the quality of the scheduled, the number of buyers and delegates attending, the cross section of companies and the number of exhibitors that will be there. When you look at the event in this way, there is no real competition that comes close to delivering the same return on the investment of time and money to make the trip.
What are the main alliances to date, new airs, and the ambitions for the second event in Miami in January 2024?
The interviewee did not answer this question.
The Latin American market is vulnerable with economies and political issues going down. How much does this emerging market represent for C21’s business? I ask this because the data collected in the last MIPTV and MIPCOM in Cannes, France and in the two events that took place in Budapest, the participation of Latinos was quite low.
The whole world is vulnerable right now, but the Lat Am market less so than most. The creativity in this market is also amazing. It is also internationalizing, and that will bring lots of fresh opportunity.
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