Before 200 entrepreneurs from around the world, the media agency directed by Gustavo Quiroga, based in Argentina, Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay and Uruguay was recognized in the city of Geneva, Switzerland with the award for Total Quality in the framework of the 17th International Convention for quality CQE part of the annual program of the BID Awards (Business Initiative Directions) that promotes the advancement of quality, innovation and excellence recognizing the prestige of the outstanding companies, organizations and entrepreneurs.
With joy and pride, Gustavo Quiroga, president of the agency receiving the award said: “After obtaining international certification Bureau Veritas in Argentina in 2009, this recognition from IDB fills us with pride and encourages us to continue working from the premise of improving our processes day-by-day in a context of total quality. And also to maintain our work policy, which has as pillars evolution, growth and continuous improvement, research and constant monitoring.”
This year, Geneva was the chosen city to receive business leaders from the world of economics, the arts, quality experts, as well as academics and diplomatic personalities to participate in the annual international forum where they make important business contacts and opportunities.
Companies from around the world vote online to the potential winners according to different criteria such as customer satisfaction, communication strategies, benchmarking, information and analysis, leadership, planning decisions, economic performance, ISO 9000, TQM among others.
Thus, this year the lucky one was the Quiroga agency, with more than 80 employees and a strong growth in Argentina in the last decade. Among its clients are: Telecom, Mercedes Benz, Adecco, Sap, Panasonic and the Government of the City of Buenos Aires.