NBC UNIVERSO, the modern entertainment and sports cable channel will premiere episode three of hit reality series “Larrymanía” – Season 5, starring Regional Mexican singer Larry Hernández this Sunday, July 31st at 9PM ET/8C. To view a sneak peek, click here https://youtu.be/Fjx1mAUgXkU .
Larry’s anticipated come back concert at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles has arrived and fans get to witness the enormous responsibility that rests on his shoulders as he prepares for his powerful performance. Despite his vocal issues, Larry manages to fine tune each musical collaboration detail and deal with last minute ticket sales drama. In addition to special guests Diana Reyes, Luis Coronel and Tito Torbellino JR, this concert will be attended by Pepe Garza, one of the most influential figures in regional Mexican industry.
Fans can engage on social media by using #Larrymanía on Instagram and Twitter. To learn more about “Larrymanía”, visit: www.facebook.com/LarrymaniaTV or www.Larrymania.com.