Atresmedia, an innovative giant


Powerful, original, and current stories without forgetting the local component are the key to success.

In 2022 the titles that have been most successful at the international level of the Spanish giant are: ‘Heridas ‘ based on the internationally successful Japanese format Mother (Madre). ‘La edad de la ira’, a drama (4×50) and ‘Cardo’, a drama that in the first season has been a great success and the second is about to premiere (S1 6×30’, S2 6×30’).

Miguel García Sánchez, Director of Content Sales, says in this interview with the Director of TVMAS, Amanda Ospina, held the last week of December, that ‘La Ruta’ is the most recent title, produced by Atresmedia Televisión and Caballo Films. A drama of eight 50-minute episodes that is generating a lot of interest, not only because of the story but because of its narrative and visual aspects.

The ATRESMEDIA content Sales Director is an executive of international stature specialized in the sale of audiovisual rights for television series, movies, and has been linked to the Group since February 2022 as International Sales Director at its headquarters in Madrid.

What have been the results throughout 2022 and what have been the key events to sell the programs?

We are ending the year with very good results, but the most positive thing about this 2022 has been the return of face-to-face markets. Being able to meet again in person with colleagues and friends in Miami, Cannes or Cancun has been essential for us.

At Atresmedia we continue to bet on presenting new content at an early stage of production to encourage pre-sales and thus ensure that the premieres are closer in time.

What are the best-selling programs in the catalog and in which countries have they been purchased?

The Atresmedia Series continue to be very well received. Throughout this last year, the titles that have been most successful internationally are to mention a few:

“HERIDAS”. Based on the international hit Japanese format ‘Mother’ (Madre). Series, produced by Atresmedia Televisión and Buendía Estudios, addresses universal issues such as child abandonment and the search for their own identity through the experiences of its protagonists. An intense drama of 13 one-hour episodes that features a top-level cast: Adriana Ugarte, star of ‘El tiempo entre costuras’ (The Time in Between), María León and Cossete Silguero.

“LA EDAD DE LA IRA”. Drama with four 50-minute episodes  starring the young talent Manu Ríos and based on the homonymous bestseller by Nando López. Produced by Atresmedia Televisión and The Mediapro Studio, the series perfectly portrays the problems, illusions, and desires of today’s youth.

“CARDO”. Drama about a young woman in search of a place in today’s modern world created by Ana Rujas and Claudia Costafreda and produced by Atresmedia Televisión and Suma Content (Javier Ambrossi and Javier Calvo – creators of ‘Veneno’). The first season has been a success and the second is about to premiere (S1 6×30′, S2 6×30′).

It is also interesting to mention the good reception of the new and upcoming releases:

“LA RUTA”. Is our most recent title, produced by Atresmedia Televisión and Caballo Films. It is inspired by the electronic music revolution that took place in Europe between the 80s and 90s and tells the journey of 5 friends over 12 years, between 1981 and 1993, in which music, relationships and lives changed. It is a drama of eight 50-minute episodes that is generating a lot of interest, not only because of the story it tells but also because of its narrative and visual aspects.

Also generating a lot of expectation is “UPA NEXT”, produced by Atresmedia Televisión and The Mediapro Studio. With eight 50-minute episodes, it is one of our most anticipated products, the return of “Un Paso Adelante”, one of Atresmedia’s most successful franchises internationally. Iconic characters from the series such as Silvia (Mónica Cruz), Rober (Miguel Ángel Muñoz) and Lola (Beatriz Luengo) return as teachers at the ‘Carmen Arranz’ performing arts school to find new dancers for a musical in Madrid.

I want to ask you this question that is fundamental. What are the biggest challenges for distributors or marketers amid a fierce demand for content?

At Atresmedia we bet on high-quality productions, with diverse and different themes, powerful, original, and current stories without forgetting the local component: telling stories from here, which make them different from what is on the market, and which are capable of traveling all over the world. That is our greatest differentiating feature and the key to the success of our series.

The Series Atresmedia seal is a guarantee of quality and the reason why our products are year after year in great demand and consumed both in Spain and internationally.

The purchase by traditional channels has decreased and the acquisition by platforms has increased. Let’s talk about this a bit…

The launch of VOD platforms has been positive for Atresmedia’s sales. Many of the stories in our productions are new and sometimes somewhat risky for traditional channels, but they fit very well with these players.

Miguel García Sánchez, a Madrid native, has a degree in Journalism and Economics from the Carlos III University of Madrid and a master’s degree in Management of International Business from the Menéndez Pelayo International University, part of the ICEX (Spanish Institute of Foreign Trade) scholarship program. In addition, he is a professor in the Master of Distribution and Audiovisual Business at the ECAM (School of Cinematography and Audiovisual of the Community of Madrid).

He began his career at Imagina (currently The Mediapro Studio Distribution) as a sales executive in 2012. After several years at the Madrid headquarters, he moved to Miami in 2017 as head of International Sales for Latin America, US, and MENA. In February 2022, he joined Atresmedia International as Director of International Sales at its headquarters in Madrid. García specializes in the sale of audiovisual rights for television series and movies in different markets around the world.

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